I hope they have and if they have the right man, I also hope that they kill the turd.
Such scum should die.
police arrest 2 men in sniper case 1 hour, 27 minutes ago .
by allen g. breed, associated press writer
frederick, md.
I hope they have and if they have the right man, I also hope that they kill the turd.
Such scum should die.
music industry spins falsehood .
by janis ian .
the recording industry says downloading music from the internet is ruining our business, destroying sales and costing artists such as me money.
Some of these poor old artists Clinty are actually greedy B's themselves. True enough there may be immoral managing directors heading some of the bigger companies, whose primary focus is $$ .... but "darling little down trodden artists" that work for the major labels ?? I think not. These guys are suckling on a mighty cash cow and happy to do so.
Those that are impacted most by the scourge of Internet freebies, are basically the little guys struggling to make a living ... ahem ... me and the label I work for in the UK. My boss who runs the label makes money. True enough, he is in it to make cash. He is a nice guy and thoroughly decent and upfront. Do you think it's right that he invest his own money in a new artist, for that artist to then have his music thrown around the globe for jack-shit ??
Just a thought ...
A true artist - I have some ace Jazz-fusion featuring the man .......
music industry spins falsehood .
by janis ian .
the recording industry says downloading music from the internet is ruining our business, destroying sales and costing artists such as me money.
It makes interesting reading indeed.
I think the downloading of music can affect the smaller artist and studio more than the big corporate guys (the Sonys of this world etc) - to cut into their profit margins takes quite an effort.
The established acts have made their mint and will be ok. The idependants are likely to have more issues with the plague of downloading, and IT IS a plague. Afterall, to establish yourself as an artist and start earning enough to support yourself financially takes time and MONEY. A lot of new acts struggle in this area initially and if what they do produce of worth is leached over the Internet, then obviously, thats money down the drain. The independants do not generally have the budget to support an artist if the artist fails to produce the dollar.
I am no purest and do download the odd tune myself. In the past it has prompted me to go out and seek more music from that particular artist, but also, I have full albums that I enjoy and have no intention of paying for. I'm sure many of you have done the same.
I believe another issue is the sheer amount of music that is available. No man can afford to buy everything, but may want to listen to most things. So piracy becomes prevalent due to economic factors as well and this could be addressed by the music industry if they put out work at a modest price, so as not to exclude large proportions of the population. But hey, thats going to steal the fat cigar from the business mans mouth and he may not like it! So then, greed needs to be addressed at the top end down.
Also, artists need to take stock of themselves as well and have a realistic vision of their worth. Stop placing unrealistic demands upon the labels and live within a more modest budget. This I aim at the top end - the Witney Houstons & the like.
Its a complex issue - to be sure, but boils down to the human condition of "want more, want it now, give it to me in large quantities!!! and preferably, give it to me free.....".
... and by the way - our own policy to help promote our music is to give away certain tunes freely ... hopefully to gain repect !
some fundamentalists believe halloween is the devil's holiday.so are you doing anything on halloween?
What is there to celebrate ?
i'm wondering why the wtbs doesn't do more in the electronic media form.
they seem to have a few selected articles and such on their website, but by no means a comprehensive selection of literature, videos, etc.
on line.
To a degree, I reckon they view the Internet as part of Satan's evil empire as well. I know years ago there was great suspicion about net access amongst many people, JWs included ... so maybe, just maybe, it's viewed as a source of corruption.
i havent posted much here, but ive read a lot for about six months now.
although most everyone here appears to have had some degree of affiliation with the jw organization, the individual posters seem to be from pretty diverse backgrounds.
im really curious about something.
Purely selfish reasons - I was taken in by the whole prophecy thing and feared a smouldering rock with my name written on it. I quickly marched towards baptism and came out the other side confused - what had I actually joined the freak club for ? Somewhere down the line my own life mattered less and my sanity more.
not that anybody will be that interested ... sob .
but our little alien dread website has moved location, but has new full songs free to download.
if anybody likes free stuff - check here:.
not that anybody will be that interested ... sob .
but our little alien dread website has moved location, but has new full songs free to download.
if anybody likes free stuff - check here:.
Have one on us
I used to be absolutely hooked on Choc-chip muffins, but currently am on a low sugar diet, that frankly drives me nuts sometimes. If I go into a store and there are fresh muffins there - Jeeeeez, I gotta get outta there !
not that anybody will be that interested ... sob .
but our little alien dread website has moved location, but has new full songs free to download.
if anybody likes free stuff - check here:.
Tar -v- mucho
I have redone the website now and you'll find a mail in your inbox probably with the link listed there. There are some new tunes to grab, so go for it ...
The promo sounds wicked - thanks to Dr Phat Gut himself, and has 5 strong tracks on there. The label suggest that we should do quite well next year when the full album comes out (Spring) and we will have stock through Ernie B in the USA. Cool !
cya mate
Dizzy Cat / Beard Freak / Fellow Alien dread